Friday, September 08, 2006

"For-sure" death of software as we know it

As I write this blog using a Mozilla browser, I wonder why we're held ransom to Microsoft products. I'm also reminded of my days in Redmond as a vendor of the company - getting excited to sell desi-software services to Microsoft so that we play a role in some of their many products. My views are below but first here's a little compendium of much-much better alternatives to most commonly used Microsoft products (surely not Apple):


Microsoft Product



Microsoft Outlook

Enough out there but try Zimbra for an exact replica


Microsoft Outlook

CalendarHub, Kiko

Task List

Microsoft Tasks

Ta-da List, Voo2do

Project Management

Microsoft Sharepoint

Basecamp, CentralDesktop


Microsoft Word

Writely (Google), Writeboard, Rallypoint, Zoho Writer


Microsoft Excel

Google Spreadsheet

Movie/ Song Player

Microsoft Windows Media Player

Enough out there

I got most of this list from here. But the list is seemingly endless - just google.

Recently my business partner opposed using one of the above tools for client-purposes citing security being a concern. May be it is or may be it's not. However, I'm sure these "service-providers" are also thinking about the same concern and will very shortly figure it out. Imagine this not-so-distant future that intermingles with the current present.

Ubiquitous and mostly-free internet. Most software that we are used to paying for - will be available for free or for nominal usage-based costs. No more one-size fit-all approach - possibility of endless customization (just try Voo2do - a one-person company that allows all the customization that I'll ever need). Intermingled global purchasing trends (for e.g. a company in India may want software products available in the US but may not want to pay dollar-prices - suddenly, the purchase doesn't make sense but the need still exists because their customer is global). Financial markets will increasingly recognize this globalized-customer (be it a company or an individual) - e.g. I spend good amounts of time in both US and India but my needs don't change based on geography - I want to buy what I get in the US in India and vice-versa - the future of banking assures me that I will be able to do so. Software resellers will be history - I will click-buy what I need when I need it. Software will be device-neutral - I don't like sync-ing my databases from laptop to desktop to mobile device - it has to be "synched" by itself. Individual-customization will result in uncluttered simplicity - the software will customize itself based on my need and usage - I don't want to click Advanced Options and check-uncheck mindless checkboxes - I don't understand it and find it silly. And I definitely will not pay for what I don't need.

I'm squinting my eyes and searching hard - but I just can't find a place for software products in this world. Ironically and for now, I'm waiting for an eluding sales call from a Microsoft salesguy to sell me their software products - my best buddy who is still in the cob-webbed products-era assured me to "stay tuned" many moons ago - the only respite is that I know I won't have to do that a few moons from now - I'll just click and use what I need.


Blogger cliff said...

IMHO, Google Spreadsheets may be too 'light' in design for commercial purpose, I would recommend EditGrid as the alternative.

3:39 AM  

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